Friday, August 7, 2009

friday bliss

...a good book, a long walk on a beautiful beach, family gatherings during the sweet scent of summer, knowing that you're only a few hours from the weekend... these are wonderful thoughts and events. Today my Friday bliss moment consists of chocolate chip mint ice cream & party planning. Take a moment today or this weekend and reflect on the little joys in your life, no matter how big or how small, be thankful that they've happened to you.

A few things I'm truly blessed by;

- being loved & loving those around me
- the air that filled my lungs this morning, meaning that I have another day on Earth to make worthwhile
- a deep sense of self
- believing without doubt that the dreams I hold deep in my heart will come to pass
- knowing that the places I have traveled to have forever changed me & I can't wait to have further explorations on this great big planet we live on
- music that continually fills my office, car and life... love dancing to my own soundtrack of life!

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