Thursday, April 30, 2009

historic & moving

While in Washington DC this last week, I had the opportunity to visit a few of the monuments & memorials that help us remember those who have gone before us. One of the most moving memorials for me was the Arlington Cemetery. Upon arrival you are told that over 320,000 servicemen and their family members rest on the 624 acres of Virginia land across the Potomac River from the Lincoln Memorial. About 27 burials are conducted every weekday.

Imagine standing on marble stairs among a handful of United States Veterans, as the changing of the guard is taking place. The silence and respect, absolutely take your breath away. While attending the timeless ritual of honor at the Tomb of the Unknowns, the sentinel paces 21 steps down the mat before the tomb, pauses 21 seconds, and returns. "Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God" reads the inscription on the sarcophagus of the World War I soldier entombed here in 1921. Joining their comrade, unknown servicemen from World War II and Korea, lie in crypts beneath slabs flush with the terrace paving.

It honestly took all I had within in me to hold back the many tears that wanted to find their way down my cheeks. To truly understand the sacrifice as you look upon the white headstones, it's a moment that will live within me forever.

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